of Fashion

Choo Ming Jing Kendrick

Choo Ming Jing Kendrick

BA(Hons) Fashion Media and Industries
2018 — 2021

Kendrick Choo is a photographer, designer and entrepreneur with a niche interest in avant-garde, luxury fashion and postmodern art. An ardent fan of fashion photographer Tim Walker and designer Carol Christian Poell, Kendrick often approaches his projects with the same subversive, experimental yet refined lens. On a constant search for individuality and innovation, his creative process involves drawing inspiration from historical influences and art, giving each work an underlying story.


Saint Graal

With the core theory of Bakhtin’s Grotesque, Saint Graal's Spring/Summer ‘21 collection 'REBIRTH' utilises the notion of Gesamtkunstwerk, a total work of art, as a medium to explore the extremities offered by ontological elements and the raw physicality of humanity – exploring the world of fashion with a subversive take on conventional products and design approach.

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