of Fashion

Felicia Angelina

Felicia Angelina

BA(Hons) Fashion Design and Textiles
2018 — 2021

Felicia Angelina is a fashion designer specialising in textiles. Her designs embrace both fun and functional aspects.


Thumbelina in The Magical Land

With an emphasis on children’s development and their playful personalities, this collection explores interactive clothing by involving sensory play ideas. The sensory play derives from the exploration of pop-up book techniques and tactile textile approaches. 

The collection’s aesthetic is inspired by the Hans Christian Andersen story: Thumbelina. It portrays Thumbelina's journey through different looks while embedding tactile materiality that would intrigue children to be curious, imaginative and have fun in their way of dress.

This collection, Thumbelina in The Magical Land, brought children’s literature into life with playful clothing that hopes to benefit the child’s cognitive, social and motor skills development by stimulating their sensory.

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