School of Design

Ramya Chandran

Ramya Chandran

MA Design

As a designer and illustrator, art and design have always been a part of Ramya's life. Her interest in cultural heritage began through illustration and manifested into design. Research, additionally, has provided her with much needed direction to understand culture and tackle issues close to her heart. To Ramya, design is that universal platform that has the ability to connect experts with communities, ultimately facilitating the creation of a new and improved world.


Preserving cultural heritage – redesigning temple experiences

Temples have traditionally served as cultural representations of a kingdom in its entirety. Over time, contemporary culture has dictated that these spaces only be associated with divinity, which has affected the preservation efforts of this cultural heritage and its relatability to younger generations.

The objective of this research was to analyse the most relevant aspects of temple heritage and use these to modify the participants' interaction with the spaces. In addition, the contemporary tools put into effect the design's inherent problem-solving nature to test the creation of sustainable heritage. In this process, taxonomy and storytelling approaches were used for studying meaning-making and appreciation within the community.

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