School of Design

Goh Jia Qi Gracia

Goh Jia Qi Gracia

BA(Hons) Design Communication
2018 — 2021

Gracia is a communications designer with a keen interest in critical design and human-centred design methodologies. With a background in mass communication, she also dabbles in a range of other creative fields including photography, videography and web development. She believes in design as a method of challenging assumptions, preconceptions and conventional thinking. Beyond the commercial design practices, she aims to inspire a nuanced understanding of issues by utilising design as a communication strategy. In her work, she enjoys using speculative design and humour to educate and engage the public on important civic issues. In her free time, she loves a good kopi-o-kosong peng and memes.


Not-So-Public Public

Not-So-Public Public is a provocative design project that challenges the politicisation of public space planning in Singapore by highlighting the Singaporean's predominant role as consumer over citizen in society. Beyond its physical structure, public spaces are complex products of political, social, cultural agencies, constructed through historical processes and the lived experiences of people. The project is split into three parts, the Catalog of Inclusion & Exclusion, Soft Interventions and finally, Civic Consumer. Each component act as explorations that capture the textured, multi-dimensional nature of the spatiality and the public realm.

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