School of Design

Eugenia Hoy

Eugenia Hoy

BA(Hons) Design Communication
2018 — 2021

Eugenia Hoy is a designer with an interest in print, photography, and art direction. She pursues design with an open mind and is always keen to learn new ways of understanding and making. She is interested in exploring the use of narrative formats in representing and telling the stories of communities.


Our Patterns of Love: Hybrid Practices in Mixed Marriages

Food is one of the prominent ways to introduce one's culture, but it is also commonly brought up as a topic of cultural difference in interracial unions. Through food, the little joys and clashes are revealed in mixed marriages. Our Patterns of Love is a visual documentation of the hybrid cultural practices in mixed marriages through the lens of food to uncover how one culture grows to embrace and incorporate practices from the other, yet retain certain dominant aspects of its own to reveal alternative narratives of identity and culture in mixed marriages in Singapore.

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