School of
Dance & Theatre

Goh Xue Li

Goh Xue Li

Diploma in Dance
2018 — 2021

Xue Li was first exposed to Chinese dance at the age of four under the tutelage of Miss Tan Chai Hwang. She completed graded examinations at the Beijing Dance Academy Chinese in 2015. Xue Li’s interest in contemporary dance was sparked when she was in Millennia Institute, leading her to study dance and pursue it as a career. During her Diploma in Dance studies at LASALLE College of the Arts, she became interested in somatic practices and critical thinking skills which she tries to include in her creative process and movement research. In the second year of her diploma studies, Xue Li was a recipient of the prestigious Wu Peihui Dance Award for the academic year 2019/2020. As a result of her interest in process-driven choreography, Xue Li started doing an egg exploration project. She has also been a dancer in the *SCAPE dance/canvas project.

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