School of Creative

Aaron Luke Koenitz Rozells

Aaron Luke Koenitz Rozells

BA(Hons) Arts Management
2018 — 2021

Originating from an interest in visual effects and motion graphics, Aaron Rozells' passion for the arts now encompasses the use of media and technology in the creation of digital artistry. Interning with a creative technology studio has opened Aaron's mind to the infinite possibilities technology could play in the role of artistic creation and fueled his ambition to explore a career in programming, artist management, marketing and administration of digital artistry locally and internationally.

Aaron's personal interests include playing video games and reading comic books. His love for Star Wars has led him to volunteer regularly with The Rebel Legion, an international costuming organisation which gives back to the community through costumed volunteer activities and charity events.

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Thesis abstract

Understanding how digital art is consumed: a case study on ‘sustainable Singapore’ by MeshMinds

Accelerated by the 2019 coronavirus pandemic, the incorporation of Extended Reality (XR) had changed the way one would consume art – from visiting large gallery halls to mere scrolls on a smartphone. This new incorporation of technology has also shifted the creative process of art-making from that of a physical, tangible space to a more portable form. Creative business entities like MeshMinds have utilised various forms of XR in their programming, which includes the incorporation of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality. The purpose of this research is to investigate how XR has impacted the public’s engagement with digital art utilising MeshMinds as a case study. A mixed methodology consisting of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were used to obtain data that analysed the public’s reception to digital artworks and identify challenges faced by the artists when presenting their work digitally. This research could provide insight to the effectiveness of incorporating frontier technology into digital artistry for future references.

Work experience

Aug 2020 – Feb 2021
Intern, Audience Development Manager

May – Jul 2019
Scape Invasion
Ad Hoc Stage Manager

Mar – Jul 2019
Mediacorp Pte Ltd (Symphony 92.4)
Assistant Producer