School of
Contemporary Music

Doran Oon

Doran Oon

Diploma in Music
2019 — 2021

Doran is a multi-instrumentalist who enjoys building and servicing instruments, composing for films and playing bass as well as keyboard. He enjoys jazz and math rock. Under the tutelage of Tan Weixiang and Christy Smith, Doran strives to be the best musician he can be.


Doran has performed at Baybeats (2019) with his band The New Modern Lights. He was the sound engineer and musician for a National Arts Council project, Art Books: A Beginner's Guide, working closely with JunYears and Currency Design. During his time at LASALLE, Doran has composed original scores for several animation and broadcast media student projects, and has also developed a new movable guitar pickup system based on neodymium magnets.

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