School of
Contemporary Music

Wang Yu Hang

Wang Yu Hang

BA(Hons) Music
2018 — 2021

Yu Hang is an electronic musician from China. He is interested in live sound improvision, sample manipulation as well as experimenting with the fusion between field recording and noise. Yu Hang is a synesthete whose approach to composition is similar to soundpainting, but he relies instead on what he sees in his head and translates it into music pieces instead of using gestures or body movements. He has worked on multiple music projects and fused his unique musical form with sound-reactive visual code. As Yu Hang is interested in visualising the colours, shapes and textures of what he sees and feels through music, his dissertation is focused on creating an interactive audio visual piece using synesthesia. 


Yu Hang samples sound and manipulates them in his works. His work can be found on his YouTube channel.

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