McNally School
of Fine Arts

Noyona Biswas

Noyona Biswas

Diploma in Fine Arts
2018 — 2021

Noyona Biswas is a painter, illustrator and creative writer who has been passionately practising her craft since childhood. She uses media such as oil, acrylic paint, ink and charcoal, and has also explored her creativity through assemblage installations, collage, graphic novels, film, photography and printmaking. As a fine artist, Noyona focuses on creating a visual narrative that explores core themes of spirituality, the subconscious mind, the personification of nature, and the range of human emotions. Her attention to detail, depth of research as well as her strong understanding of visual language allow her multimedia artworks to grow organically while maintaining their conceptual structure. 


Dream Building Series 1-3
Charcoal, oil pastels and oil paints
44 x 31 inches

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